Friday, April 15, 2022

Antisemitism and MSNBC


Ali Velshi is a TV news show host for MSNBC, who is a believer in Islam, who has no problem repeating false narratives about Israel.  Velshi worked for Al Jazeera from 2013 to 2016 when Al Jazeera closed in the United States.

John Rossomando of The Investigative Project on Terrorism described Al Jazeera as “The Terrorist Propaganda Network” with good reason in 2017. Even the New York Times covered the concerns of Arab nations about Al Jazeera being a mouth piece for terrorism. In Rossomando’s article he pointed out that “Muslim Brotherhood ideologue Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi” had a show that encouraged the “Arab Spring” which was an uprising of violence by Muslim Brotherhood members  and other followers of Islam against their governments. Velshi’s network, Al Jazeera did not censor or prevent 

Qaradawi’s repeated endorsements of “martyrdom operations” aka “suicide bombers.” Because many of Qaradawi’s actions on Al Jazeera were prior to Velshi entering employment with Al Jazeera in the USA, it must be posited that Velshi agreed with the positions of Al Jazeera before entering employment with them. This information had been on major news networks and it was very exposed to the public.

John Rossomando wrote in his article that “Al Jazeera America (AJAM), aired pro-Palestinian propaganda. During the 2014 Gaza crisis, AJAM host Wajahat Ali pushed Hamas' talking points about the territory's population density without a single reference to how the terrorist group used mosques and civilian buildings to launch rockets.”

Remember that Ali Velshi was working for Al Jazeera during this time. How could MSNBC who hired Al Jazeera people expect them to not be Antisemitic or to not be supportive of Islamic terror groups after years of working with that mindset? 

This year Ali Velshi has continued the work of Al Jazeera by writing highly inflammatory ANTISEMITIC articles.  But he is now being “covered for” by his other Islamic colleagues at MSNBC, Medhi Hasan wrote an Opinion piece for MSNBC on May 27, 2021, doing just that. Mehdi Hasan,  wrote protectively of Velshi stating:

Is my award-winning MSNBC colleague Ali Velshi, who recently said — and wrote — that “the idea that it’s even remotely controversial to call what Israel has imposed on Palestinians a form of apartheid is laughable,” an antisemite as well? (Ali, incidentally, is the child of brown South African parents who left that country because of, wait for it, apartheid.)

What Ali Velshi subtitled his article for May 17th 2021 was: “We have to be able to say that Israel's treatment of Palestinians is apartheid. Period.” Mehdi Hasan goes so far as to incorrectly quote his colleague in order to protect him. What Velshi actually said was:

That calling the status imposed on Palestinians a form of apartheid is even remotely controversial is laughable. One look at a current map of Israel, Gaza, and the occupied territories conjures up only one other example: apartheid-era South Africa, and the “Bantustans” or “homelands” into which Black Africans were forced. Palestinians cannot freely travel to see relatives or do business in other Palestinian cities without passing through highly intrusive — and often humiliating — Israeli checkpoints.

MSNBC had also hired Ayman Moyeldin who had worked  for Al Jazeera. Moyeldin used an interview with Naftali Bennet to accuse Israeli politicians of being at fault for these the continual danger presented by Hamas shooting over 3,000 rockets. Naftali had to turn around and ask him why he is not asking why he is not concerned that Hamas wants to kill Israelis? Moyeldin appeared to brush off these concerns. How could MSNBC not expect that Moyeldin, as a former Al Jazeera reporter, would not take the side of Hamas which proclaims in its Charter that it is a chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood? 

One MSNBC host, Joe Scarborough said on May 25, 2021, “the truth is that Antisemites do not need a conflict between Israel and Hamas, to preach this sort of hatred.” Joe is right. So why is there an increase in this correlation? Could it be that there has been an increase in immigration from those whose beliefs agree with Hamas and other terror groups that are willing to kill Jews? MSNBC never looks into this.

Under President Obama a massive increase in those who follow Islam were allowed to immigrate to the United States, many of them claiming refugee status. The number of Mosques in the USA has exploded since 1994 when there were only 962 in the entire country to 2,769 in 2020 and that number is still rising. That is a 332% increase! If Islamic teachings inherently espouse antisemitism, and in turn express sympathy towards groups like Hamas that are identified by the government of the United States as terrorist entities, would that not be reason for seeing a dramatic increase in Antisemitism?

On The Sutliffian Report on March 14th 2022, we explored the INHERENT Antisemitism within Islam. The video is below.


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