Friday, September 27, 2024

The difference between love from YHWH vs Allah


Hello Ahmed,

I am eager to enjoy this discussion who Allah is compared to who YHWH is. As you know I do not consider Allah a god, much less YHWH. You believe Allah is one and he has no partners. Christians believe Jesus is both God and man.

Do you think Allah has always existed alone and will always exist alone? If I am right you have to say you believe this. I also believe in God/YHWH as the United One/Trinity as always existing.

You believe Allah loves you. I believe God as the Trinity loves me and you.

I like things that are simple. Humor me for a moment, please Ahmed.

I think you would agree with me that for love to exist there has to be more than one person. There has to be a relationship.

You just told me your Allah has no one, no friend, no partner that is eternal with him. That he has always been alone. So Allah has no relationship with anyone that has always existed. What you are telling me then is that Allah has never given love before man was created.

YHWH, the God of the Christians and the Jews is a “united one” (ecchad) Deuteronomy 6:4. Christians and Jews see this unity of persons in one God as always having existed and in a state of love. This makes love pre-existent to humanity, unlike Islam.

I want to stay focused on the word love. Does Allah love me, a man who does not love him? Out of the 84 verses that mention love in the Quran, is there one verse that says Allah loves me? I know that the Quran says in 2:190 that “Surely Allah does not love the transgressors.” Isn’t that saying he does not love me? Why should I listen to him? If I deny Allah being God, am I not called an infidel? Surah 3:32 says “Allah does not love the infidels.” Again, why should I have any interest in a god who holds no love for me?

If we look at God as a parent of humanity, shouldn’t he be teaching love, by modeling it for others? Children learn to love by having their parents be there for them when they are little. They learn to trust and have faith in them. This closeness creates a bond of love and trust. The parent has to know what love is before the child even comes along. They can’t expect love from an infant. A baby is not capable of love. It understands comfort and has needs that must to be met with immediacy.

Lets stick on love and look at the Biblical YHWH, does he have love for you and all Muslims? John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” So YHWH, the God who is a United One, which Jesus is part of, wishes you to love him and even before you make the choice has expressed that love by laying down his own life as the sacrifice for your sins, so you can go to heaven.

Would you like to be someone who is loved by this God I am telling you about?

Simply close your eyes and say,

Dear Lord Jesus,

I am a sinner. I know that you loved me enough to pay the price for my sins. Please forgive me and guide me as Your disciple as I grow in knowledge and love of You. Please keep working on me.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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