Friday, February 23, 2024

Allah Says NO to Many Islamic Prayers Every Day

Does Allah Negate Prayers Before They Begin?

My dear Muslim,

What do you think of a god, who never once teaches you how to pray in his scriptures? Yet, the method of praying to this god exists within its claimed god's laws. These laws are the only place you can find how to pray. It is here that this god reveals that many of his believers pray in vain. But there is a problem with this. Most of this god’s followers have not read his law and are not told they should read it!

I am a Christian, I met with an Imam in Ohio, who came out of the mosque after Jummah prayers and we began to talk. He had a friend with him listening. I said, “do you know that you Muslims never pray?”

The Imam said, “we just finished Friday prayers.”

“Allow me to explain,” I pleaded.

The Imam nodded.

“Prayer is between your heart. Your very soul and God. It is a deeply personal communication. You speak to Him. He listens and responds.” They nodded. “But, what you do according to your prophet Jesus, is vain and repetitious.”

The friend with the Imam said, “what we do is repetitious but not vain.”

I responded, “you insult your prophet Jesus.” The man walked away.

The Imam immediately tried to change the topic.

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Shariah teaches that there is an exact way to pray, exact words to say. There exact things that must be done to prepare for prayer also. Wudu, the use of water to “cleanse” a person from impurities on his/her person, has to be done in an exact order and with certain thoughts. There is an allowance if there is no water, to use “clean dirt,” which is referred to as Tayumum. This method also is an exact process that must be followed, and if not done, invalidates/negates a person’s prayer.

If a man is touched by a female, or a dog after doing this process, he can wash himself with “good dirt” to purify himself. This method and statement, are a claim that all females are too dirty for their god to ever listen to their prayers. After all, how can they wash the woman off themselves?

As we delve deeper into the method of prayer, we learn Muslims must recite the first Surah, what they refer to as Al Fatiha. This being the first chapter in their Quran. Repeating this passage, and claiming that it is a prayer poses problems for this god that is supposed to receive their prayers. Muslims claim that the Quran is the word of Allah. If Al Fatiha is a prayer and is the word of Allah, it must be asked who is Allah praying to? It becomes more problematic when authors of Tasfirs insist that Al Fathiha is not part of the Quran. As shariah insists that Muslims must use passages in the Quran for prayer. This would invalidate all 5 prayers a day given by faithful Muslims.

This causes many problems to surface.

Invalidation of prayers in shariah, for praying and some part of your person touching filth is quite a statement. If prayer is between what is in your heart, and God, how can something outside your body effect it? (f4.0-f4.2)

People pray when they are scared, when they are hurting, and more. Yet, these 5 required prayers ignore these most important things. f4.6 invalidates prayers if pus coming from the body has a smell.

F4.7 allows you to pretend not to notice if an impurity is on your person. Just pretend you do not notice right? But, if god does see it, and knows you do … Toss that time set aside to pray as worthless.

F4.9  states you have to repeat your prayers, if you are praying in a place of impurity. In other words, the god of Islam does not care to listen to them because you were in a place he does not like. If we take shariah as Allah’s law, it can be understood that you cannot pray touching your wife or female children.

F4.11 tells the Muslim that their clothes can negate their prayers! If they are not clean enough Allah just says no to your prayers.

F4.14 tells Muslims that some places prayer should not be performed, but they are not forbidden, they are called offensive. This label offensive, calls into question many practices of Islam in respect to praying in streets. Which again calls into question the concept of praying where filth is as possibly negating a prayer.

F4.15 tells Muslims they cannot pray in clothing unlawfully taken. This is of interest, because it hints at something stolen, but property belonging to apostates (h1.2) is defined as Islamic communal property elsewhere in shariah. This law also states that you cannot pray on land unlawfully taken. Which means that if jihad won the land it is lawfully taken.

F5.1 says Allah negates the prayers of those who are not covering their nakedness. When you read this part you learn Allah is ok with topless women praying when they are alone.

F5.2 has Allah concerned about holes in your clothing more than listening to your prayers. With all these things you have to wonder if a homeless person could ever have Allah listen to his prayers.

F5.3 redefines what nakedness is, for being in public. A woman is now considered naked if she reveals anything but her face and hands.

When we get to f5.8 we learn that a poor man possessing no clothing is allowed to pray naked. Keep in mind that this is now talking about prayer not in private, but in public. This makes you wonder why a man alone must clothe his private areas, but a man in public may be naked when he prays. But even that prayer is negated if he refuses clothing that is offered to him.

Now that you are washed/cleaned with “good dirt” and clothed, we learn that Muslims who do not face Mecca while praying do not have their prayers answered (f6.1). This open a whole range of problems, such as what if you are lightly off in the direction you face? Worse, what if a qibla in a mosque has been wrong?

Dear Muslim,

Is this god not to small for you? Are your prayers of so little value, that they are judged invalid before you even begin?

Consider these words, then choose whether Allah is worthy of your worship. If you leave Islam, yes it is at the risk of your life. But is worshipping something not worthy of your time worth losing out on knowing the one God who loved you first?

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

School in the UK Standing Up to Civilization Jihad Should be Applauded!

EMILY JANE DAVIES  of The Daily Mail reported that UK Michaela Community School is facing legal action because one Muslim student out of the majority that attend has filed a complaint against a policy banning prayer rituals on the premises, as being discriminatory.

The student claims the decision 'banning prayer rituals' also breaches her right to freedom of religion.

Sarah Hannett KC, representing the student, told the court that the policy had the 'practical effect of only preventing Muslims from praying because their prayer by nature has a ritualised nature rather than being internal'. Ms. Hannett said it was 'a ban uniquely on Muslim prayer', stopping pupils praying 'at a time as required by Islam', under which it is part of the 'five pillars' of the faith. Hannet claims that it 'wouldn't prevent a Christian child sitting quietly in the corner of the playground from praying.' Nor anyone else from any other religion.

It should be noted that this school – has been rated 'outstanding' by Ofsted - has been described as having an ethos likened to private schools.


What The Daily Mail article does not tell you is that Shariah allows those who cannot leave work to join prayers. This means they can combine prayers. For this reason shariah states the policy is not only NOT discriminatory, it does not pose any effect on the students who do attend. The assumption here is that non-Muslims are ignorant of Islamic law. According to Reliance of the Traveller:

Hadiths also abound on this topic.

As this information is in the public domain it is somewhat dishonest on the part of The Daily Mail to present an unbiased presentation of facts. It easily explains why the majority of Muslim students have never complained. In ignoring this publicly available information, they not only avoid presenting shariah, they ignore the many Islamic leaders who have made YouTube videos on the topic. Below are just a few.

 This next video says students taking exams may combine prayers. He does not agree with work combining prayers, but recognizes that some places they can not pray so combining prayers is then acceptable.

The true purpose of the charge against the school, is to force them to accept Islamic law as supreme. The secondary purpose is to place Islamic leadership over the school.