Please support my work by giving through PayPal or by sending a check to Paul Sutliff, PO Box 12846, 4455 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY 14612.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Stand with Mr. Prentice! Just say NO to CAIR!
On August 16th the Hartford Courant ran a story about the owner of the Connecticut Tigers, E. Miles Prentice, refusing to meet with a group with federally recognized connections to the US government designated terrorist group Hamas. That group is the Connecticut chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Most people would cheer someone for refusing to meet with a group that has been recognized in federal courts as being directly tied to a terrorist group responsible for many deaths. But not the Hartford Courant.
This shows a disconnect between the media and the average American citizen. After all, most Americans that live on the East Coast can’t get 9/11 out of their head. Granted that was an attack by terrorists called Al Qaeda. BUT both Al Qaeda and Hamas have the same parent! The Muslim Brotherhood. Osama Bin Laden was a recognized and celebrated member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas IS a chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is in their Charter.
Just yesterday (August 21st ) the Washington Post ran a story by the parents of Israeli Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, who was kidnapped by Hamas and killed five years ago. The parents are pleading for his body to be returned. Why was this story running in the USA unless they believed it possible if the US connection, aka CAIR or American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) had some influence? It could have been an attempt to get the US State Department to exert pressure, but remember now, Hamas refused our money so they could continue to pay their terrorists who attack and kill Jews. So the government influence was not the reason.
This incredibly foolish and irresponsible article by the Hartford Courant no where stated that Mr. Prentice was refusing to meet with a group that DOES HAVE terrorist ties. But they did state Mr. Prentice’s connections to the Center for Security Policy, labeling it as “an organization identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-Muslim hate group.” The timing for this article could not have been worse. USA Today published “The Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate-based scam that nearly caused me to be murdered,” on August 17th. That is just one day later!
The Muslim Brotherhood groups in the USA are into a long range plan of Islamization of the United States of America. If you think me wrong I suggest you read their own material which the federal courts have introduced as evidence in the largest terrorism finance trials in our history.
So, what was the purpose in this news release? If it was part of a plan, what would be the reason? It seems to have activated
- Mayor of Norwich, Peter Nystrom, who readily accepts SPLC as an authority on who is a hate group. Does this excuse his ignorance of is connected to terrorists?
- The Norwich Area Clergy Association has decided to take a vocal and active “mediator” role. As if avoiding connections with affiliates of terrorists need a religious motivation?
Tark Aouadi is quick to scream Islamophobia before all the facts come in. When the Diyanet Mosque of New Haven was burned on the first floor from an act of arson, he called the media and made the charge that this was due to a hate crime. In fact the New Haven register went so far that day to accuse everyone who voted for Trump of being haters. But the Police said there was no evidence that this was a hate crime.
If the meeting with the clergy includes any representatives of CAIR, Mr. Prentice should hold to his original statement of refusal to meet with a group that has connections to terrorists. There has never been evidence of bias by the minor league baseball club. This ruse by CAIR to get a meeting with Mr. Prentice needs to stopped.
If Mr. Prentice holds to his refusal to meet with Tark Aouadi, executive director of CAIR CT, he will be in the company of a Connecticut Marion McGarry (D-12), who also refused to meet with him [ADDED: and/or his organization]. Perhaps this whole thing is a ruse to get Tarik some media time. Maybe he hopes this will earn him his 5 –minutes of fame?
Hold fast Mr. Prentice! You stand with our governments allies in Muslim countries when you refuse to meet with Hamas affiliate CAIR. The United Arab Emirates declared CAIR a designated terrorist group in 2014.
Oh and for those of you out there still foolish enough to believe that CAIR is a civil rights group for Muslims, ask yourselves why they defrauded Muslims by their promotion of a fake lawyer, and settled a case after 11 years thanks in large part to the Middle East Form’s help on June 4, 2019.
This article was cross posted on to Dr. Rich Sweir's site. There CAIR official Tark Aouadi wrote the following comment:
Thank you for your article. I would love to have a coffee with you and talk in depth on this and any other topic.
Point of fact, I never asked to meet Marion McGarry as you article states "If Mr. Prentice holds to his refusal to meet with Tark Aouadi, executive director of CAIR CT, he will be in the company of a Connecticut Marion McGarry (D-12), who also refused to meet with him. "
We also did nothing to precipitate this story. Had this story been about a team owner belonging to a group that spread conspiracy theories and lies against members of the judaic tradition or African Americans or Irish Catholics the need for a meeting and even greater remedies would not be questioned. Now that its about Muslims that some how makes it better?
I understand that this comment may do nothing, but would welcome a chance to talk to you on this topic.
Thank you again for your article.Perhaps Mr. Aouadi has never read the source of the article on Mr. McGarry. IT IS CAIR! . Perhaps he does not recognize his own interview by the Associated Press which ran in the Hartford Courant, which is also cited above I call this an excellent example of being caught spreading misinformation to save his own skin. So Mr. Aouadi is calling CAIR, his employer a liar now??
Please support my work by giving through PayPal or by sending a check to Paul Sutliff, PO Box 12846, 4455 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY 14612.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Give LEOs the power to Stop ANTIFA! UNmasking ANTIFA Protects YOU!

Antifa was there my first time speaking. Things were Ok until they started to put on masks. This was in London, Ontario where the Mayor called PEGIDA white nationalists. I found this label amusing since natives, whites and people of different races were part of PEGIDA Canada. They only want to promote Canadian values over shariah. PEGIDA Canada actually prays in public for the Muslims who are attacked, bombed, maimed, etc. by Islamists who love shariah!
But Canada had a law against wearing masks in public, sadly most of the cops knew nothing about that in London or feigned ignorance. After the masks came on an Antifa member punched a 70 year old man. I was there. I saw it.
Every time I have been there Antifa puts on their masks and then attacks! The last time I saw them put on their masks and race ahead of us. They tried to stop us from going towards our cars. The Toronto police intervened! Antifa formed a practiced line holding flag poles. The police formed a practiced line on their bikes and pushed them back. One Antifa hit a cop in the head with a flagpole and the dogpile was on! I was profusely thankful for their work that day keeping us safe from the fascist commies.
Even the Toronto Police would tell Antifa they were the commies. In fact Toronto police protected Antifa that day in Nathan Phillips Park, telling them they could not bring their commie signs because the Vietnamese were celebrating being free of Communism for 50 years! That action saved Antifa from getting their clocks cleaned.

As a Special Education Teacher, I believe simple things are often the best solutions to complex problems! So, we must enable the police to stop the small things, which is a big part of community policing. No masks, then no one feels free to attack because they can be seen AND IDENTIFIED! Who wears masks in a bank? Bank robbers! Who wears masks in a store? Robbers! Who wears masks in public? Why do people go in government buildings or get on public transportation while wearing masks. So, they can rob or beat someone without a camera recording their identity! Isn’t it better to think ahead and stop something before it happens?
The following idea for a proposed law in each state was brought forward and developed off of a law in Virginia. Their statute is tweaked giving the local law enforcement officer more teeth! Virginia does not know what it means to be cold, so this New Yorker added in the cold weather exception. Substitute your state or province for the print in red and get your state senator or Canadian government official in your province to work on this! Let’s help the police protect us by giving them the teeth to do the job!
Prohibition of
wearing of masks in public and private places; exceptions
Purpose: to
increase security in all public places covered under the jurisdiction of NEW
YORK STATE, and promote
civil harmony and assimilation in a climate of increasing public safety issues.
- It shall be unlawful for any person over 16 years of age to, with the intent to conceal his/her identity, wear any mask, hood or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, to be or appear in any public place, or upon any private property in NEW YORK STATE without first having obtained from the owner or tenant thereof consent to do so in writing. Persons who do not meet the exceptions listed below will be charged with a Class B Misdemeanor.
- It shall not be lawful for a person over the age of 16 to conceal his/her identity, wear any mask, hood, or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, on any form of public transportation or within any government building in the STATE OF NEW YORK. Persons who do not meet the exceptions listed below will be charged with a Class B Misdemeanor.
- It shall not be lawful for a person over the age of 16 to conceal his/her identity, wear any mask, hood, or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, at any political gathering or protest. Persons who do not meet the exceptions listed below will be charged with a class E Felony.
However, the provisions of this section shall not apply to
wearing traditional holiday costumes;
engaged in professions, trades, employment or other
activities and wearing protective masks which are deemed necessary for the
physical safety of the wearer or other persons;
engaged in any bona fide theatrical production
or masquerade ball; or
weather is determinedly cold and the event is
OUTSIDE where it is colder than 10 degrees Fahrenheit and facial coverings are
deemed necessary and protective; or wearing
a mask, hood or other device for bona fide
medical reasons upon
(a) the advice of a licensed
physician or osteopath and carrying on his person an affidavit from the
physician or osteopath specifying the medical necessity for wearing the device
and the date on which the wearing of the device will no longer be necessary and
providing a brief description of the device, or
(b) the declaration of a disaster
or state of emergency by the Governor in response to a public health emergency
where the emergency declaration expressly waives this section, defines the mask
appropriate for the emergency, and provides for the duration of the waiver.
Monday, June 3, 2019
Important Responses to the CT Mirror Promoting Misinformation on Jihad by an Islamist!
By Paul Sutliff
The CT (Connecticut) Mirror recently published, "At Muslim Sunday school, learning about Islam — and correcting misconceptions" by Vanessa De La Torre. This article had a lot of misinformation within it. Sadly, this comes as no surprise since the "trusted source" was Dr. Reza Mansoor.
The CT (Connecticut) Mirror recently published, "At Muslim Sunday school, learning about Islam — and correcting misconceptions" by Vanessa De La Torre. This article had a lot of misinformation within it. Sadly, this comes as no surprise since the "trusted source" was Dr. Reza Mansoor.
Dr. Reza Mansoor is not someone to trust when he talks to non-Muslims about what Muslims believe. Part of this is because he believes it in Islam's best interest to deceive you, the non-Muslims about what Islam teaches on Jihad. This practice is part and parcel of practicing shariah and deceiving the non-believer.
This article provides no sources to stand behind Dr. Reza Mansoor's statements on jihad. It ignores shariah which is cited in Reliance on the Traveller. An English translation of Arabic Umdat al-Salik. This book is recommended by the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). I personally recommend to anyone who wants the truth on what jihad means to read o.9.0 Jihad. I also recommend reading the 1915 Fatwa given by the last official caliph. This fatwa was very clear on what jihad means and how it should be carried out. It speaks of three different levels of jihad, Heart, Word, and Action/Deed.
It is unethical in this country for a person claiming the title of professor to purposefully misinform the public in the area of his/her content. This is grounds for dismissal by professorial malfeasance.
In the same respect, articles and books exposing the recent lies of Dr. Mansoor on this topic were previously written in detail. "How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of WarDefeating Jihadist Terrorism," by Raymond Ibrahim was published in the Winter of 2010. This is among the best responses to this misinformation. Humorously, it was written 9 years ago.
My suggestion is for CT Mirror should remove the purposeful misinformation by Dr. Mansoor. Reliability of sources is key for any piece of journalism. Dr. Mansoor has shown himself not to be credible!
I was very disappointed to read Vanessa de la Torre's article, "At Muslim Sunday school, learning about Islam and correcting misconceptions." This piece is full of 'taqiyya,' the obligatory deception of non-Muslims. An explanation of this phenomenon can be found in section r8.2 of the "Reliance of the Traveller": r8.2 “Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory”.
In the article, we're told the popular line that 'jihad' means a personal or spiritual struggle. Though it can mean that, and that sort of 'jihad' is considered the 'greater jihad,' nonetheless, approximately 98% of the times the word 'jihad' appears in Islamic doctrine, its meaning is military warfare. To describe it as a "personal struggle, then, is disingenuous.
And, of course, there's the ubiquitous claim that Islam is the "religion of peace." But how peaceful is a religion that mandates death for apostasy? (Section o8.1 of the Reliance) How about a religion that assigns no penalty to a Muslim who kills his children, grandchildren or non-Muslims? (Section o1.2 of the Reliance). Lastly, a thorough reading of the section of 'jihad' -military warfare against unbelievers - which begins with Section o9.0, will leave the reader with no doubts that this is no religion of peace.”
Please support my work by giving through PayPal or by sending a check to Paul Sutliff, PO Box 12846, 4455 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY 14612.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
YouTube Censors Anti-Jihadist News Source - Vlad TepesBlog
In the beginning of February a coordinated reporting
campaign against the YouTube channel of Vlad TepesBlog began. Simple
examination of the filed complaints reveals the idiocy of the reporting. Vlad TepesBlog shared a few of the hundreds of their videos that were suddenly reported
within a week. The vast majority of what
was on Vlad TepesBlog’s YouTube channel were news reports from foreign
countries subtitled into English. Below are two examples of YouTube’s response
to the reporting sent to Vlad TepesBlog.
View here judge for yourself if this deserves an Adult
View here judge for yourself if this deserves an Adult
Is Google
Politicizing viewership and subscriber numbers?
Vlad TepesBlog’s YouTube Channel had over 30,000
subscribers. Their videos were not
monetized as the goal was to get the truth out and not have it be thought that
income would sway what was shared. One of Vlad Tepes Blog’s subscribers wrote
to them that they were under attack by Google, because his subscription count
was not increasing and appeared frozen. It became a talking point for months
when the number was approximately 24,xxx for a few weeks. It then shot up to
30,000 within 6 weeks. Having posted several hundred videos Vlad TepesBlog had
other concerns that YouTube was adjusting the viewership statistics.
Vlad TepesBlog works with Gates of Vienna sometimes. In
this case he embedded his videos on the Gates of Vienna with YouTube videos
averaging a daily viewership at YouTube of between 600 to 1600 views per day.
Sometimes they might get as high as 3,000 to 4,000. This encouraged further
curiosity at statistical manipulation by YouTube/Google. So Vlad TepesBlog did
some work with a place he had ZERO subscribers, unlike YouTube
where he had accumulated 30,000+. So the only people who saw the video were
people who saw the social media ties to the site.
There were 15,000 to 30,000
views which over a several days. Vlad TepesBlog states that this count far
exceeded the amount of viewers YouTube was reporting for the hundreds of videos
on his channel over the same period time.
The frozen subscription count plus the low viewership counts
made Vlad wonder if they are concerned about his actual influence. Influence?
Yes! When a channel gets a lot of attention YouTube promotes it in various
ways. Even individual videos get promoted due to high viewership. So was the
attempt purposeful to limit their influence hence stopping videos from going
Congressional leadership prior to the Democratic takeover of
the House was pursuing a look into flagrant First amendment violations of these
Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for directly limiting
the influence of persons who are Conservative and/or Anti-Jihadists.
Sadly, the mass reporting of VladTepesBlog and the forced
closure of its channel show a huge flaw in the security measures of YouTube,
and other Social Media platforms. That being the evident lack of
Due Process.
Due Process is what protects a person from false accusations
and usually ferrets outs liars in a timely fashion. YouTube accepted complaints
that videos with no violence or sexual themes should now be labeled and require
age verification to view adult content. This implies that your daily news feed
according to YouTube should be labeled Adult
Content. This means no comments can be seen or written.
The worst problem here is that NO HUMAN CONTACT is possible!
You can only appeal a decision with a form response that may or may not be read
by a human.
Important Questions
for YouTube
Are bots all that reviews complaints? Are there security
measures in place to address mass reporting?
What is the process of review for an actual complaint before a label of
Adult Content is applied? What happens if a reviewer shows bias or incompetence
when reviewing content?
YouTube Does NOT CONSISTENTLY close Hate Channels
Social Media giants seem set on controlling messages to
their platform. YouTube has been caught hosting content that promotes
Anti-Semitism under the guise that it is Islamic. The Middle East Media
Research Institute has caught several videos on YouTube and noted the names of
the persons and the organizations posting Anti-Semitic content under these
circumstances. Persons with platforms that have been exposed by MEMRI
include Zafar Bangash, who leads the Institute of Contemporary Islamic
Thought (ICIT). ICIT has a YouTube Channel called the ICIT Digital Library.
Perhaps YouTube thinks this is acceptable because this channel
only has 4,562 subscribers?
also exposed Sheikh Omar Baloch. His promotion of Islamic Relief
should be enough of a concern to remove his You Tube Channel. The
Middle East Forum’s extensive expose of Islamic Relief’s connections
to known terror entities and persons is more than enough to post a flagged
warning of adult content! But as you can see Sheikh Omar Baloch’s channel still
There are far too many examples of this non-censorship of channels
sponsored by persons connected to Anti-Semitism and Jihadi terrorism.
You have to ask how Google aka YouTube finds reason to
justify keeping content that is connected to Anti-Semitism and terrorism, AND how
are news feeds subtitled into English deemed offensive at all!
YouTube claims it catches most of the hate and terror videos. It
hosted Islamic State videos that the government had to request be taken down!
Yet their own content reviewers seem to target persons who have influence and
are sharing actual News coverage simply because the content reveals unpopular
This past December
YouTube made the news after closing 1.67 million channels and all of
the 50.2 million videos associated with them. According to Reuters, YouTube
claimed, “Nearly 80 percent of the channel takedowns [were] related to spam
uploads. About 13 percent concerned nudity, and 4.5 percent child safety.”
Final Thoughts
Are we to believe news is now to be counted in the same
category as spam, nudity, and child safety issues? But Anti-Semitic speech is
protected if it is Muslim?
Lets not forget the monetary value of good will. It doesn’t
matter that Vlad TepesBlog was not asking for income. What matters was his
influence grew because he was respected. That respect earned him a high
subscription rate and a total viewership of all 1600+ videos in the millions. Vlad
TepesBlog considers the action of closing their channel a fraud. The work
portrayed was not porn, it was not a safety concern, it did not violate
community standards, so the shut down of his channel was an act of fraud.
While a formal apology and restoration of all the work of
Vlad TepesBlog would be considered a good business strategy for YouTube,
versus a lawsuit for alleging that news which was subtitled needed an Adult
content rating.
Vlad TepesBlog now posts their work at http://Bit.Tube. They
ask that you sign up and subscribe to their Channel here. Vlad TepesBlog
continues to not ask for any monetary assistance. They only want you to have
the truth and subscribing to their work helps them to get the word out!
Please support my work by giving through PayPal or by sending a check to Paul Sutliff, PO Box 12846, 4455 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY 14612.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
The Threat Doctrine of the Muslim Brotherhood via Qutb
Please support my work by giving through PayPal or by sending a check to Paul Sutliff, PO Box 12846, 4455 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY 14612.
Friday, February 22, 2019
EXPOSE: Is Dr. Qanta A. Ahmed to be trusted when she speaks about Islam?
Dr. Qanta A. Ahmed is indeed an expert in both Sleep Medicine and Journalism. She extensively writes for many publications against Anti-Semitism, for which she should be commended. She is also noted as being interviewed and published on “radical” Islam. This article seeks to expose that Dr. Ahmed, an incredible expert in Sleep Disorders and a noted journalist on Anti-Semitism, does not communicate truthfully about Islam, or she is communicating a lack of knowledge of Islam. This would remove her “expertise” on “radical” Islam.
On February 14, 2019, Dr. Qanta Ahmed published Opinion: Ilhan Omar Brings Shame To American Muslim in the Daily Caller in which she gives credentials as being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She wrote in the first sentence that:
In the very first sentence in this article Dr. Ahmed reveals she is either dishonest in what she communicates as being Islamic, or she is not knowledgeable of Islamic sources which disagree with her. In addition, her comments go against the Anti-Semitism just being discovered as being expressed in many mosques in North America thanks to the hard work of organizations like the Middle East Media Research Initiative (MEMRI). Her claim that Anti-Semitism views shame American Muslims is also negated by the expressed views of many American Muslims.
A quick visit to Dr. Ahmed’s website, reveals some interesting points. She has outstanding credentials and awards as a medical doctor and an incredible expert in the field of Sleep Disorders. Her bio makes no claim of expertise on Islam or on radical Islam.
MEMRI translated a February 14, 2019 broadcast from Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza). This clip showed the mother of Muhammad Said Ali, a 19 year old Palestinian who was killed when he attacked Israeli policemen with a knife at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. She says in this clip that
Granted this is not American Islam, but Islam from an area of Israel that is Islamic and run by an entity that claims to be following Islam. What do North American Muslims preach in Mosques?
Toronto Sun, writer Tarek Fatah, wrote Muslims shouldn’t pray to defeat non-Muslims on January 13, 2015. Fatah wrote:
While Tarek Fatah is showing that Imam’s are indeed offering prayers against Jews, he also showed that the Muslims are praying for governmental conquest against all other religions.
MEMRI recently reviewed a video of Detroit, Michigan Shi’ite Imam, Bassem Al-Sheraa given on January 27, 2019, in which he said:
MEMRI also noted the lectures uploaded October 2016-January 2019 to the YouTube channel of the Nur Uz-Zamaan Institute in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In these lectures, Imam Nareem Abdullah makes several AntiSemitic statements: also exposed a NYC Cleric Ibn Muneer: Islam Without Jihad Is Like Honey Without The Sweetness; Don't Apologize For Speaking The Truth About Jihad, Jews, And Christians on December 17, 2018. Imam Ibn Muneer said:
Sadly, there are many more examples of such Anti-Semitic statements by Imams across the USA and Canada. So is Dr. Ahmed even close to accurate, when she claims that American Muslims are offended by Anti-Semite, Rep. Omar?
Islamic scholar Robert Spencer says, that none of what Dr. Qanta Amad is saying is true! He writes that:
So what was the purpose of the statement by Dr. Ahmed? Was it to claim that Muslims here in North America hold different beliefs from the Muslims in the Arab world? Was it to state all Muslims love Jews? My conclusion, is that Dr. Ahmed, while a notable expert in the medical field is either full of deceit when she claims to know anything about Islam and thus a voice piece of deception for the major media outlets to eagerly consume or she is supremely ignorant of a faith she professes to hold. In either case, she should not be trusted for any statements she makes about Islam as a whole. Please understand her medical expertise is not in question at all. I believe she has earned respect and trust in the medical field! However, her words about Islam promote Civilization Jihad by duping the masses who listen to her claim that American Muslims despise Anti-Semitism.
On February 14, 2019, Dr. Qanta Ahmed published Opinion: Ilhan Omar Brings Shame To American Muslim in the Daily Caller in which she gives credentials as being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She wrote in the first sentence that:
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), an American Muslim of Somali origin, shames American Muslims with the anti-Semitism she has brought to Congress.
In the very first sentence in this article Dr. Ahmed reveals she is either dishonest in what she communicates as being Islamic, or she is not knowledgeable of Islamic sources which disagree with her. In addition, her comments go against the Anti-Semitism just being discovered as being expressed in many mosques in North America thanks to the hard work of organizations like the Middle East Media Research Initiative (MEMRI). Her claim that Anti-Semitism views shame American Muslims is also negated by the expressed views of many American Muslims.
A quick visit to Dr. Ahmed’s website, reveals some interesting points. She has outstanding credentials and awards as a medical doctor and an incredible expert in the field of Sleep Disorders. Her bio makes no claim of expertise on Islam or on radical Islam.
- A citizen of the UK and a naturalized citizen of the United States in 2015.
- A medical doctor with demonstrable credentials, awards, and success as an expert in both Pulmonology and Sleep Disorders. (verified)
- A journalist on Antisemitism and noted Fiction writer.
MEMRI translated a February 14, 2019 broadcast from Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza). This clip showed the mother of Muhammad Said Ali, a 19 year old Palestinian who was killed when he attacked Israeli policemen with a knife at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. She says in this clip that
"Muhammad was someone you could rely on. He was a hell of a guy. A butcher. A lion. You could see in the video of the attack how practiced he was in wielding a knife, because he was a butcher. Muhammad was a butcher and knew how to slaughter."
Granted this is not American Islam, but Islam from an area of Israel that is Islamic and run by an entity that claims to be following Islam. What do North American Muslims preach in Mosques?
Toronto Sun, writer Tarek Fatah, wrote Muslims shouldn’t pray to defeat non-Muslims on January 13, 2015. Fatah wrote:
One of the reasons I avoid attending Friday congregations at mosques is a specific ritual supplication uttered by Imams at many mosques in Canada and around the world, just prior to our formal Friday community prayer, the Juma’a.
In the supplication, the cleric prays to Allah for, among other things, to grant “Muslims victory over the ‘Qawm al-Kafiroon,’” the Arabic phrase that lumps all non-Muslims — Jews, Hindus, Christians, Atheists, Buddhists and Sikhs — into one derogatory category, the “Kuffar”, or non-Muslims.
This supplication is not obligatory. Not uttering this prayer would in no way adversely affect the holiness or solemnness of the collective community prayer.
I have long argued with my orthodox and conservative Muslim friends and family that at least when living among non-Muslims, we should avoid praying for their defeat at the hands of Muslims.
While Tarek Fatah is showing that Imam’s are indeed offering prayers against Jews, he also showed that the Muslims are praying for governmental conquest against all other religions.
MEMRI recently reviewed a video of Detroit, Michigan Shi’ite Imam, Bassem Al-Sheraa given on January 27, 2019, in which he said:
[The Jews] employ tricks and fraud in matters of religion and moral values. They distort [sacred texts], and therefore it is said that the Jews would often kill their own prophets. They would sanction the killing of one another. In addition, they allowed their women to engage in prostitution, God forbid. Following the [Babylonian] captivity, when Nebuchadnezzar exiled them and destroyed the Temple, the Jews said: 'Money and women are our most powerful weapons.'
MEMRI also noted the lectures uploaded October 2016-January 2019 to the YouTube channel of the Nur Uz-Zamaan Institute in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In these lectures, Imam Nareem Abdullah makes several AntiSemitic statements:
October 15, 2016: "Some of you think the Roman Empire stopped, because your [knowledge of] history is kind of weak. The American Empire is often considered by many scholars to be Pax Romana, and a continuation of the Roman Empire. It's the same people, they just relocated the capital. Even if you look deeper, behind the scenes – Jews [are] running everything. The real Jews, or the Ashkenazi [Jews]?
April 7, 2018: "We ask Allah to guide us on the straight path, the path of those who have Your blessing. Just in case, not the path of those who have Your anger. If you read the commentaries, you know that Allah is talking about the Jews. In the fatiha [opening chapter of the Quran], we are asking Allah to guide us on the straight path and [to not] make us like the Jews. That is in your fatiha. 'And not like those who go astray' – the Christians.
"A lot of people may try to twist that and turn that around and say: 'See, you hate Christians and Jews.' No, no, no... The Prophet Moses was a Muslim. His true followers were Muslims. Prophet Jesus was a Muslim. His true followers were Muslims. When you corrupt the religion that they came with – then you come up with these other religions. also exposed a NYC Cleric Ibn Muneer: Islam Without Jihad Is Like Honey Without The Sweetness; Don't Apologize For Speaking The Truth About Jihad, Jews, And Christians on December 17, 2018. Imam Ibn Muneer said:
You make a statement or a comment about this, about that, about the Christians, about the Jews… What do they do? Huh? They get a problem. 'We have to edit the video, Sheikh.' 'We have to make the video private, Sheikh, because you mentioned that the Jews are those who earned Allah's wrath.' 'You said that the Jews are those who earned Allah's wrath and they are jealous – we can't publish the video.'
What is this? And what's next? The next thing that bothers them, irritates them, or is politically incorrect, we take that out, we don't mention that, and we don't talk about… What is this? When does it stop, the neutering of the Muslim, spading his courage. When does it stop?
Sadly, there are many more examples of such Anti-Semitic statements by Imams across the USA and Canada. So is Dr. Ahmed even close to accurate, when she claims that American Muslims are offended by Anti-Semite, Rep. Omar?
Islamic scholar Robert Spencer says, that none of what Dr. Qanta Amad is saying is true! He writes that:
There is a strong native strain of anti-Semitism in Islam, rooted in the Qur’an. The Qur’an puts forward a clear, consistent image of the Jews: they are scheming, treacherous liars and the most dangerous enemies of the Muslims.
The Qur’an presents Muhammad as the last and greatest in the line of Biblical prophets, preaching a message identical to theirs. The identical character of their messages may seem odd to those who know very well that the Qur’an’s contents are quite different in character from those of the Bible, but the Qur’an has an ingenious explanation for this: the original message of all the Biblical prophets was Islam, and they were all Muslims. Only later did their followers corrupt their messages to create Judaism and Christianity.
Consequently, in the Qur’an, Abraham is not a Jew or a Christian, but a Muslim (3:67); his message was identical to Muhammad’s. The Islamic claim is that the authentic Torah actually commands Jews to follow Muhammad and recognize his prophecy. Those who refuse to accept Muhammad as a prophet are, in the Muslim view, rejecting both Moses and the prophecies of the Torah. It is no surprise, then, that in the Qur’an both David and Jesus curse the disbelieving Jews for their disobedience (5:78).
Yet of course, Torah-observant Jews did not and do not accept Muhammad as a prophet, and this, according to Islamic tradition, enraged the prophet of Islam during his lifetime. According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad initially appealed energetically to the Jews, hoping they would accept his prophetic status. He even had the Muslims imitate the Jews by facing Jerusalem for prayers, and he adopted for the Muslims the Jews’ prohibition of pork. But he was infuriated when the Jews rejected him, and Allah shared his fury in Qur’anic revelation: “And when there came to them a messenger from Allah, confirming what was with them, a party of the people of the Book threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if they did not know!” (2:101).
Another Jewish leader noted that “no covenant was ever made with us about Muhammad.” Allah again responded through his Prophet: “Is it ever so that when they make a covenant a party of them set it aside? The truth is, most of them do not believe” (2:100). In fact, Allah gave food laws to the Jews because of their “wrongdoing,” and “for their turning many from the way of Allah” (4:160), and by doing so, “repaid them for their injustice” (6:146). Some Jews are “avid listeners to falsehood” who “distort words beyond their usages.” These are “the ones for whom Allah does not intend to purify their hearts,” and they will be punished not just in hellfire but in this life as well: “For them in this world is disgrace, and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment” (5:41).
Jews dare to deny divine revelation, claiming that “Allah did not reveal to a human being anything,” to which Muhammad is told to respond, “Who revealed the Scripture that Moses brought as light and guidance to the people? You [Jews] make it into pages, disclosing some of it and concealing much” (6:91). …Robert Spencer’s article is highly detailed citing several Islamic sources. This is a small piece of this exposure that Americans were being deceived when Dr. Ahmed claimed that American Muslims are offended by the Anti-Semitic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
So what was the purpose of the statement by Dr. Ahmed? Was it to claim that Muslims here in North America hold different beliefs from the Muslims in the Arab world? Was it to state all Muslims love Jews? My conclusion, is that Dr. Ahmed, while a notable expert in the medical field is either full of deceit when she claims to know anything about Islam and thus a voice piece of deception for the major media outlets to eagerly consume or she is supremely ignorant of a faith she professes to hold. In either case, she should not be trusted for any statements she makes about Islam as a whole. Please understand her medical expertise is not in question at all. I believe she has earned respect and trust in the medical field! However, her words about Islam promote Civilization Jihad by duping the masses who listen to her claim that American Muslims despise Anti-Semitism.
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Friday, January 4, 2019
My Predictions for 2019: What will Islamists do this year?
So today I decided to share my thoughts on what do I think about 2019. I see many people writing a positive things of what 2019 will bring today. I will not share the positivity. If anything what I will share out the realities.
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Source:Defend Europa |
I believe 2019 will be a make-it-or-break-it year for the EU countries. They are either going to listen to the rambling ravings of Merkel and are going to totally surrender what remains of their nationality or it will be a year of confrontation of yellow vested regular people saying return to us our national pride, or get lost. Sadly many countries are beyond the point of standing. They're kneeling they are surrendering almost everything to the EU for the UK. Thanks to Andrew. We have learned a lot. If you haven't listened to the show, I played last week you can go to my page or the last show in here. Paul Sutliff dot blog or go to the last week show on BlogTalkRadio's Global Patriot Radio for me and you will find an incredible wealth of information on the Islamization of the UK. My vision for what's going to happen was pessimistic. But the reality check is much worse than the pessimism.
So here's my thoughts of what's going to happen to the UK in 2019. I wish I could say the UK has a chance to survive and toss off its Islamist infiltrators. These would-be immigrants who are either present in the UK legally or illegally. They have come as part of a Hijra - migration.
Whether the migration will be used this year to initiate a Jihad at a level we have never not seen since Isis started to slaughter in Syria, remains to be seen.
I believe the violent Jihadis still fear obliteration by the UK Home Guard and they will be compliant mostly but they will continue to preach hatred openly this year may start a controversial court case on the pursuit of thought crimes against those who do not agree with or condone Islam. I predict there will be many British citizens harassed for their social media stands and ostracized at work creating a storm of cases against the thought police now monitoring social media for crimes of Islamophobia.
If you think what's happening with Facebook is bad. I'm one of them now partially blocked. I can't share anything anyone posts, I can put posts up but I'm not allowed to share any posts, which is really bizarre. What did I do? I link I connected myself to 20 different least 20 or 30 Republican organizations. All of a sudden I got stopped was called suspicious activity. Excuse me I am Republican and I like to do public speaking. How do I get to places like this? I introduce myself. I have to start by liking the organization. So yes, now I am suspicious for sharing my views. One of the things that got me stopped from being shared was a PJ Media post on what terrorism is and PJ media is a news site. So the Islamist in charge of Facebook were concerned now, can you imagine multiplying that 10 to 20 times? [UPDATE: As of January 5, 2019 I am out of Facebook Jail.] And this is what's happening to Citizens today?
In the UK If any one of them had posted anything I post probably on a regular basis, they would be in danger of being arrested and having their livelihood taken from them for doing what? Telling the truth. I predict there's going to be a massive shock wave of cases against the government for pursuing thought crime. That's what I think will happen this year in the UK.
2019 will be a year unlike any other. The brutality of the rapes. The violent actions against the Swedes will begin to cause deportations. The deportations will cause a violent uprising for of the Islamists against native Swedes placing them in fear of losing everything. I see a military action by the Swedes coming soon. Either that or complete actions of submission unlike any year previous. The Swedish Democrats may have to go into hiding. Those few Great Patriotic men of the Swedish Democrats may have to take their families and hide.
In Germany. the desire of Germans to be accepting is beginning to awaken some of the natives accepting of what they accept everything, the Muslim migrants do. Everything they bring. This past week. these past few weeks. They've accepted the most revolting thing. They accepted child marriage because they got married someplace else in this case the 14 year old girl that was being discussed didn't want to be with her husband, but because they were married in another country, Germany decided to rule against the child and say they were still married. As I read that first article, I didn't catch that the girl did not want to be married. I read it about four more times and finally caught it. It wasn't the case that they both wanted to be reunited. That's a scary thing. That's using Sharia. In Germany. to change their own laws to change their culture to fit the Islamists that want them to accept Sharia. Scary! I predict cooperation a cooperative action between Islamists and German government creating Sharia courts this year. It's likely because of this approved Islamic child marriage, more so now, than ever before. Now, they have several mosques that they do know, that are dangerous. The police sit there and watch them. They must have some clue what's going on inside. Don't you think? But they have done nothing over the decades. They have just sat and watched the Salafist Mosques watch the people go in watch them come out. I'm sure they take pictures. But what have they done nothing? But accept but appease. So this year. I would not be surprised to see Sharia courts rising up in Germany.
I believe France will enter a dark period of Islamic violence against non-Muslims. Citizens will begin to fear public transportation. Many of them do already. Paris may be abandoned by all who wish to live safely. France's military will likely have to either reject all Muslim candidates in the military, or face division and subversion from within its ranks. Making it less effective than ever, allowing for more attacks to happen. As far as Macron, the French equivalent of Obama and Trudeau combined. If he stays in power. Islamist strength will grow like an untreated fever. This clown has been caught lying to his people. Lying to the French. Deceiving his people. Arresting those in opposition to his power. Can he stay as president of France long? As long as the French continue to appease the Islamists on the Hijra, Macron will stay in power. The day the French say no to the Hijra, is the beginning of the end, for Macron.
Will the French wake up? They usually wait until they can't do anything and then run away and then beg for help. Isn't that what they did in Vietnam? World War One World War II are they going to run away from their own country as they did in World War Two? It makes you wonder.
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SOURCE: Council of European Canadians |
2019 Trudeau has proven himself and incompetent blithering idiot and an embarrassment to all of Canada. Is exactly what the Liberals like in leadership. I believe Trudeau will commit some act of foolishness, that can only be seen as treasonous and seditious. His actions will be ignored by the leading party allowing the Islamists to get a stranglehold on the Canadian government. If the Canadians do not rise up and act, Canada will suffer far worse than America under Obama. So I don't know what this will be. I think something's going to happen far worse than ever before. That Trudeau will be caught, again as a blithering idiot. But I fear it's going to be far worse. I wouldn't doubt that he may have a connection in some way to a terrorist that may be caught. Maybe the one he paid millions of dollars to will be found to be funneling money to terrorists? Something will happen this year. That is my prediction. Again, most of what I have to predict is not set. It's not very pleasant.
As 2019 begins, Democrats will take control of the House. This brings with it more Muslims in positions of power in the House. Again, the American system has two houses what I should night when I mean it has the House and the Senate. The House is the House of Representatives, and the Senate is comprised of two people from each state. Republicans still hold that. I believe it is possible that Trump will take an action, revealing and Islamist plot of sedition that will show the actions of several Democrats in agreement and in concert with the islamists. This plot will be revealed, and it will show hundreds in power with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and the positions of power people came to hold and the actions taken that created seditious activities.
When will this happen? I think it will happen, when the Democrats decide to impeach Trump. When the Democrats try to impeach Trump on anything. I think that's when he will reveal who has been caught taking part in seditious activities. That's when we will see a change in the FBI.
We all know of actions by the past President Obama that are treasonous. Again, my reason believing this is possible is the rampaging interest of the Democrats to impeach Trump. When this goes forward. It was it Trump will show his hand, revealing who is taking part in a subversive activity, then only then, will the arrest and the seditious actions and ties of many a democratic opposition will be known. Keep in mind, that I have reason to believe this is possible.
Will there be more terrorist attacks in 2019? I believe we are seeing the results of the lovers of death, who believe in the promises of Allah for the afterlife. They want their 72 virgins. Someone's gotta explain to me what the women get out of this because I still see no promise for the women. There is no Quranic promise for the women, nothing. However, understand this historically Islamic women have taken part in Warfare.
So what I'm saying is there is likely to be more actors for of jihad. These aren't lone wolves! They are encouraged by their Imams and their local mosques and the Quran! These type will grow, since there is little that can be done to stop devote Muslims from acting to endorse their god's demand to terrorize the non-Muslims.
So 2019 in this light is not promising. The only good thing I see coming is Trump bringing our young men and women home. The sooner we have completely withdrawn from the Middle East, the better. This sounds horrid. And I say that after having read a few things this afternoon.
One of them was in War on the Rocks by Matthew Levitt and and Aaron Zelin. They wrote on December 25th,"Mission unaccomplished the tweet that intended Trump's counter-terrorism and Iran's policy." So what are they talking about? I'm just going to read a few lines here...
"President Trump backed last week's reckless decision to withdraw US military from Syria by claiming ISIL..."
I cannot believe they are using that term. ISIL is not the correct term. It is ISIS! Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham. This is just so bad.
"His advisors disagree. It appears that President didn't get the memo or maybe he did given the letter contradict's himself claiming ISIL was other countries' problems."
Now, how is that wrong? How is that wrong? We're far away from there. We don't live next door to that issue. Let people in the neighborhood take care of their own problems. This is where Trump, I think understands what George Washington was saying. We need to stay in our own backyard as much as we can. Levit and Zelen's article talks about what will happen if we withdraw They say with Al-Qaeda and ISIS will grow in strength. If Russia can't deal with it. If Iran can't deal with it. I'll be real surprised. Will Turkey back ISIS? You bet! One hundred percent yes. They will. Will Turkey back Al-Qaeda now, that's another discussion. But keep in mind ISIS was created by Al Qaeda. That's something to remember. Isis was the fulfillment of Al Qaeda's 10-year plan.
So. This is where I think Trump is right. We need to bring our young men home. It gives the Muslims less reason to attack us. So we won't be their primary target possibly but as long as we stand for freedom. that will continue.
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